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Work less and make more money.

Work less and make more money.


Work less and make more money.

The “if” rule:

Define your goals and lifestyle. How much money do you want to make? What position do you want to have in your business? Now, imagine people who are in the same situation right now. How is what they do different from you? What tasks are you currently doing that they delegate to others?

To play, act as you would “if” you were in that position now. One recommendation is to hire an assistant. You may be thinking, “I can’t afford an assistant,” I challenge you to ask, how much is your time worth? Today, you can hire international virtual assistants for as little as $3 an hour (US minimum wage). If you don’t think your time is worth more than the sum of these costs, then you can’t be a good entrepreneur.

Focus on high-paying and high-impact activities.
We all have 24 hours a day, yet how do some people do so much more in that time than we do?

Do they have superhuman powers that you and I don’t?

No, they figured out how to make more money quickly. Ask yourself, “What high-paying and impactful activities can I do to grow my business?” Then perform these specific activities to accomplish your desired tasks. Only let someone else control you once you’ve completed your assigned duties.

Surround yourself with great advisors.
The late entrepreneur Jim Rohn used to say, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Who are these five people? Are they living the way you want them to live? If not, what will become of you and your prospects?”

If you want to take your business to the next level and have more free time, surround yourself with advisors who have the lifestyle you wish and can guide you along the way. One of my mentors, Marc Anthony, says, “It’s hard to read the label on the box when you’re inside it.” Few people look in the mirror, see themselves, and make constructive criticism of themselves.

Practice self-improvement or self-recovery continuously and daily.
Your mind is your greatest asset until you know how to use it properly. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs have a daily schedule of self-improvement. Devote 30 minutes at the beginning and 30 minutes at the end of your day to positive things that will open your mind and enhance your skill set. Your business will grow as much as you allow it to, and that growth starts with you.

You came to the world of entrepreneurship to have more free time. Apply these four tips so that the freedom that everyone is looking for is no longer your dream.

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